Our History
Founded in 2001, TraVek Roofing has more than 20 years of experience providing service to the people of Scottsdale, AZ and surrounding areas. Our company prides itself on being one of the industry leaders in quality roofing repairs and services. Our roofing services include tile installation, maintenance, and replacement. We also offer foam roofing installation, maintenance, replacement, and recoats.
Our first step into roofing began in 1984 when we, along with a partner, started and grew a reputable roofing company that is still in business here in the Valley today. In 1994 we sold that company and then a couple years later established another home improvement business with another family partner.
Trades Unlimited offered both roofing and remodeling. In 2001, some of the team wanted to focus more fully on remodeling. At that time Trades Unlimited stayed with one partner, and their focus became roofs, windows, and the building envelope. We formed TraVek, Inc, and our focus was remodeling. We had a rocky start when our doors opened just five days before 9/11! In fact, our sales that first Fall reached approximately only $100,000! But, the entrepreneurial spirit was strong, and we persisted.
Through the years, we have always maintained our roofing license, and have done roofing on our customers’ additions. However, we did not offer roofing services as a standalone product. Over time, though, we thought it was time to bring roofing back under our umbrella, and in 2020, whenTrades Unlimited’s owner and our former partner, Warren Raisanen decided it was time to sell, we were able to bring it back to the services that we offered, and launched TraVek Remodeling & Roofing! Together, we can provide take care of your homes from the inside out, providing our signature TraVek experience. Since then, we also acquired New Life Roofing and some of its team and, to our pleasure, the former owner Richard Bourassa. Richard has been with us since the transition and will stay until his upcoming retirement.
Our main goal is to serve our customers and to provide a great customer experience.
We work diligently with our technicians to train them on proper methods of installation. We understand that there are plenty of companies who can offer great quality services, but we feel that in addition to that, a customer experience filled with Integrity, Self-Initiative, Respect, Urgency, and Quality is extremely important. Our team, our culture, and our systems and processes are unique to TraVek, Inc. If we’ve done our job well, we’ve earned a client for life. We always say, "It’s not just any roof; it’s a TraVek roof!"

TraVek Roofing is Your Partner for Walk Decks
Let the roofing experts here at TraVek Roofing make sure that your walk deck is watertight and ready for use. No matter what kind of walk deck you decide to build, our roofing specialists can make sure that your walk deck is built correctly and finished with the highest quality materials available in the industry.
Mission Statement
Provide the Ultimate TraVek Experience! A positive experience where Respect, Integrity, Self-Initiative, Urgency, and Quality lead us in all interactions with our customers and our community!
Value Statements
- We keep our commitments.
- We do not ask, nor do we expect our fellow employees or vendors to do anything that we will not ask or expect of ourselves.
- We strive to make the jobs and lives of our customers and fellow employees easier and better with our initial efforts.
- We always strive for solutions to customer problems
Choosing The Right Roofing Contractor
Improper roofing procedures often lead to issues with moisture. It’s also possible that your leaks are not caused by your roof at all. Because TraVek Roofing approaches the entire building envelope we utilize broader thinking We can accurately pinpoints flaws beyond the roof alone and provide successful and lasting results. In other words, you can rest assured, we don’t install a new roof if replacing the flashing around windows would solve your leak. We stick to the exact problem and provide effective service.