Sunken Floors, Orthopedics' Delight

Remodeling in Scottsdale brings all kinds of stories. In this case, we call the sunken floors "Ankle Breakers, Orthopedics' Delight" for a reason. The 1980s homes here in Scottsdale in these ZIP codes 85254, 85253, and 85260 had a design trend that just hasn't made sense to us. We have gone to many homes with sunken floors and people have the same story of people tripping, falling, and getting hurt. Or maybe there was a fall and no one got hurt, but it scared them so badly that they want to change the tripping hazard before someone gets hurt. One home we went to recently had a young teenager who tripped into the sunken room and hurt her elbow...and at the time of our visit, it was three surgeries later!

If you're remodeling your home, it's a perfect time to change out those floors. For example, if you're remodeling your kitchen and you're thinking about putting in new flooring to tie in with the rest of the house, it's a great chance to raise those floors. Then you can have that continuous flooring throughout for a really nice look and flow of your floorplan. It's not as huge or costly of a project as some may think.
For this and all of your remodeling needs, call 1-855-221-8286 to set an appointment for a TraVek designer to visit your home.