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Who Needs Exercise When You Can Take a Bath Instead? | News and Events for TraVek Inc

Written by Susan Raisanen | May. 14, 2022
Who Needs Exercise When You Can Take A Bath Instead?
Dr. Steven Faulkner, a researcher at Loughborough University, found that taking a warm bath burns almost the same amount of calories as biking and aids in preventing type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Faulkner explained that it was common knowledge that taking a warm bath is relaxing.  He researched the effects of “passive heating” on health.  He studied the health effects of 14 people sitting an hour-long soak at 104 degrees Fahrenheit compared to an hour-long bike ride.
The experiment found that biking burned more calories, but taking a hot bath burned the same number of calories as walking for 30 minutes. Faulkner explained, “The overall blood sugar response to both conditions (bathing and walking) after eating was about 10% lower when participants took a hot bath compared with when they exercised.”
He also opined that passive heating may contribute to reducing chronic inflammation which is often accompanied by type 2 diabetes.  Relaxation, no effort and eliminate calories – time for a soak.